Have you ever plug your phone on charging and it doesn't
start to charge you may
Have thought that your charger has a fault but it might
be possible that your charging port is causing the issue
We charge our phone hundreds of time but as our cell
phone gets older you may Experience charging port problem there is nothing to
worry about it’s a common problem with iPhone and Samsung phones as they get
If you are having this problem first check your charger
maybe your charger is the cause of the problem and if the problem doesn't fix
then it's your charging port problem and You need to repair it FAST CELL REPAIR
has the professional and experienced technicians
We fixed your phone at the cheapest prices with quality
parts and we have a policy NO FIX NO CHARGE which means if the new charging
port does not fix the issue You don’t have to pay a single penny we don’t
charge if we don’t fix
Also, we offer a lifetime warranty on the repair we fix
and if it starts having the problem again we fix it For FREE
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